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Welcome to college! Your mom and dad's wallets are not reliable sources of income anymore. But don't worry, all students are living on a budget. You just need to be clever with money not to get...
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College experience is one of those amazing life moments that you will keep in mind forever. How you used to mingle with friends and behave when you were bored, where you used to meet...
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Every student would agree that good essays are sometimes hard to write. However, they are required in every school and university. The essay is a way professors can check your ability to write logically,...
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Britons are well known for their long living noble traditions and rules. Tea drinking culture is one of the coziest and sweet customs British people have. Even in our fast moving world every Englishman...
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All work and no play is a bad strategy when you are a student of a college or university. Though the studies do not leave much time for taking care of your health and...
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Procrastination is a real social scourge. But who is the most vulnerable part of our society? Most of us will agree that students suffer most from this disease. “Well, what if I don’t get up when...
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Accept your fate: college is your new home. Whether you are happy with this or not be ready to handle all the consequences of the decision to get a degree. Now you are a...