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Frequently Asked Questions

Below you will find some of the most common questions from our new customers with answers to them:

1. Can you guarantee safety of my personal information?

Yes, we provide 100% confidentiality. Even though we have your personal information, it is used only to contact you, and it is never disclosed to any third parties. The customer support at might use this information to get in touch with you to ask you about your order. However, your credit card information will always remain private – the secure payment system will not send us your full details.

2. How can I order my paper with you?

The ordering process is simple. Just fill in the order form!

3. Can I order a completion of an online assignment with you?

We can assign a writer to complete an assignment for you only if it is uploaded. Once completed, the writer will upload the order for you in our control panel.

4. Do you write all types of writing assignments?

You can order with us various types of writing assignments. We have writers who are proficient on different topics and subjects. They can easily write all types of academic assignments as well as business materials or web content.

If you have your own paper, you can place an order for editing/proofreading and our editor will check it for any grammar, lexical, or spelling mistakes and edit them if necessary.

5. How much do I pay for the order?

See our Prices page to find out the price per page or place an order to calculate everything automatically. There are 5 aspects that determine the cost of your paper: deadline, type of work, academic level, the number of pages and extras.

6. Is your service pre-paid?

Yes, it is. The writer will only start working after we have received payment from you. We assure you that your money is secure and you will receive what you are paying for, and even more!

7. What is your discount system?

Our discounts can be seen on the Pricing page. If you believe you qualify for a discount, contact Customer Support Representatives. You can receive your discount both through our website or email.

8. Are the Title page and Reference pages free?

Yes, they are! When you order a 5 page paper, you receive 7 pages in total - 5 pages for the body of the paper, plus the title page and the reference page.

9. Can I get my money back if I don't like the paper?

If you think that the requirements of your order were not met, you can request a free revision. There is also a 100% money back guarantee. This guarantees a 100% refund should something go wrong. For more details, view our Money Back Guarantee page.

10. Are some of your papers pre-written?

Of course not! We do not have any prewritten papers database. We have a very strict policy regarding uniqueness of all our orders, and we can assure you that all the works are written from scratch. However, if you detect that your paper was prewritten, we suggest you contact our Customer Support Representatives and receive a 100% refund.

11. What is the formatting of my paper?

You choose your own formatting — MLA, APA, Chicago/Turabian, Harvard, or any other by your request. But if no instructions are provided, the formatting by default is MLA: 12pt Arial with double spacing and 1 inch margins. Please note that whatever format you require all the pages we provide are double spaced, and the average page has approximately 275 words.

12. If I liked the paper written by my previous writer, can I ask him/her to write more for me?

Yes, we provide you with such an option. In order to do it, just choose "My previous writer" option in the "Preferred writer" section of the order form. You must then specify your writer's ID number and choose a deadline not less than 24 hours. Please note that this option will increase the price for your order independently from the author's level because of the limited time frame.

13. If I need to order a particularly important paper how can I make sure that it will be completed at the best level possible?

You will always receive a high-quality paper. Still, you have the option of choosing one of our best writers to do the job for you. In order to do it, just choose the "TOP writer" option in the "Preferred writer" section. The price for this feature can be found in the Pricing section of the website.

14. Is there a possibility of getting priority customer support? I want all my questions to be answered fast!

Yes, there is! You have this opportunity if you choose our "VIP customer service" feature. In this case, all your requests will be given priority above all other ordinary requests. Also, a VIP client receives SMS notifications when the order is both assigned to the writer and when it is completed.

15. Can you provide a plagiarism report?

Yes, we can. Just choose the option "I want to receive official Plagiarism report" in the order form. Here, the professional plagiarism checker WebCheck will check the paper and provide a report that will be sent to you right after you have approved the paper.

16. Is my Abstract really written to the highest level of quality?

With Freelance House, you can be sure that your abstract page is in the hands of professionals who have a great background and experience in writing papers of the kind. You can choose the abstract to be added to your paper via the "Add an Abstract page to my paper" option.

17. Can I get the list of materials used in my paper?

Sure. You can receive all the sources used by the writer in your work. You just need to select the "Sources Used" extra in your control panel and choose the number of sources you want to get. They will be uploaded together with your paper in .doc/.docx/.pdf format or print screens/images of the pages used. To see the price for each source visit the Prices page.

18. I need a table of contents for my paper. Can you provide it?

To get a proper table of contents for your paper you just need to add the "Table of Contents/Outline" extra to your order or ask our Customer Support Representative to do it for you. Once added, the price for your order will be recalculated automatically.

19. I want someone to proofread my paper. What should I do?

You can easily add an Editor's check extra to your order in the control panel. One of our professional editors will proofread your work when the writer finishes working on it. This extra will significantly help you improve the quality of your paper.

Questions from our current customers

1. What should I do if I forget my password for the control panel?

In this case, we have provided you with the "Reset password" option. So, you can reset it via email. Just be sure to remember your email!

2. Is there a chance of finding plagiarism in my paper?

The chance of finding plagiarism in your paper equals to about 0,01%. In other words, there is practically none! All our papers are completely original. A special detection system checks each paper. We are aware of the seriousness of plagiarism, and we carefully check all our papers. Unlike popular plagiarism detection engines used by many universities we never report to any public databases, therefore, such plagiarism prevention is 100% safe.

Most plagiarism detection systems save all submitted papers in their databases, so it becomes impossible to check a paper for plagiarism more than once. Hence, checking it a second time will show you the 100% level of plagiarism.

3. How do I receive my completed paper?

When the writer finishes processing your order we will email and/or call you. To receive your work, you will need to log in to your account at FreelanceHouse and review the demo version of your paper.

The demo version is an image of the paper containing our watermarks. You will then be asked to review your paper and comment on it, if necessary. We offer three free revisions. Hence, if you find something, with which you are not satisfied, please, ask for a revision. If everything is well and you want to receive the MS Word version, all you need to do is press the "Approve" button.

4. How can I contact my writer if I need it?

You can contact the Support team or your writer any time you want. All you have to do is to find your order in the control panel, and choose who you want to send your message to.

5. What happens if the writer fails to meet my deadline?

If the deadline has been missed, you need to notify the Customer Support Representatives immediately and explain the situation.

Our agents will examine the case and will explain further details. There can be several reasons for missing deadlines, but mainly they fall into two categories:

  • The deadline was missed because of the writer.
  • The deadline was missed because of the customer.

In both situations a new deadline needs to be agreed upon, and if it is the writer's fault, the price of the order will be recalculated, and you will receive a proper refund.

For more details, please, view our Money Back Guarantee page.

6. Can I get my paper rewritten if I don't like it?

If you find that your paper's quality is not up to the requirements you have provided us with, you are free to ask for a revision. At FreelanceHouse, we offer three free revisions, so in the end you are sure to get what you want. However, we have a strict policy about the order instructions. The initial instructions must comply with the ones for the revision. If our Quality Assurance Department decides that the paper is completed according to your initial instructions, your revision request will be rejected. For additional information, please, consult our Revision Policy.

7. How can I get my paper revised?

Nothing is easier - just go to your order page in the control panel, and press "Send for revision". You can write all your revision instructions in the pop up window and specify the time for revision. Your writer will follow your instructions to ensure the highest quality of your paper.

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