What is the hardest part of a writing process? Yes, that is the beginning. The blank page is always hypnotizing and scars a little. Don’t be afraid if you’ve lost all your thoughts exactly when you’ve started to work on your study.
As it was declared in the article’s title, you’ll read, how to write the 5-paragraph essay with less affords and less time than ever but, first, let’s find out why this type of an essay is such a popular format. Here goes the answer: the deeper you understand the topic the fewer words you need to express your opinion and thoughts.
Everyone who was studying at the university had to write a short essay at least once. If you’re precisely on this stage, you can choose two options: compose it on your own (it’s an achievable goal) or find someone to do your homework instead of you (it’s worth to understand the writing format anyway).
The most important is to understand the standard essay structure which includes:
– the beginning (introduction),
– the central body chapter (three paragraphs long),
– the conclusion.
All the basic parts may have a few more sentences for a “smooth transition” from one part of the composition to another. If you are a pro in writing you may even don’t need “transition sentences” because you’ll write all the parts as the one premise.
Let’s find out what the primary essay sections are!
The Introduction
The main aim of an introduction is to explain what the whole text is about. If you don’t get how to start, you should concentrate on your caption. The title is 90% given as a part of a task. Explain the primary idea of the heading:
- If you need to express your own thoughts due to the subject of some event (thing, life aspect, problem, etc.) you need to give a clear definition what your topic is.
- When you’re writing your takeaway from a book, film, or any other artworks, give several brief facts about the author and several striking facts about the artwork itself.
- If you are writing about the historical event, describe shortly what was happening and what influence this event had on the human race.
- If you’re choosing the topic for the essay on your own, just opt for something close to your life experience. In this case, you won’t feel the lack of words.
The major requirement for an introduction/conclusion is to be laconic. These two parts in sum should be not more than ⅓ of the whole text length. Usually, it’s enough to write 3-5 sentences for an introduction.
When you are requesting the essay to be written by professional, make clear task requirements and define how long every paragraph should be. Don’t waste your money on the unnecessary words.
If you are writing your homework in a free-form style, you may start even using the quote from the book or a rhetorical question.
The Main Body
The central body chapter is the most significant part of the whole text, and it consists of 3 paragraphs. Every paragraph from central part has not fewer sentences than an introduction/conclusion. 3-5 sentences per paragraph are the limit and the optimal size. Don’t create the paragraph that’ll be hard to read because it’s incredibly long.
The major requirement for the main body part is to be enhanced with examples. Take one from the historical events and one from your own experience. If it’s impossible, find examples that are relevant to your essay topic.
The main body is exactly that place where you should give your personal impressions and express your opinion.
The Conclusion
The conclusion is the simplest part of an essay writing. You should answer the only question: what the whole text you’ve written is about and what’s the main idea of your essay?
The conclusion should be no longer than an introduction but you may easily break this rule if necessary. Nevertheless, don’t split it into several paragraphs.
Pay attention to the conclusive part. If you express the one opinion in the main body chapter and the different thoughts, in conclusion, the work was done badly.