Exercises To Help Enrollees To Find Destination

How to understand if you are on your right way?

To not regret later about the chosen profession, do now the following five exercises. They will help you to determine the proper direction worth developing for you.

Exercise 1. Retrieve the children’s interest

What differs a genius from a simple man? Genius defends his freedom to do what he likes. Usually, it is visible even at a very early age. Answer yourself to the question, what did you want to do in childhood. Even before your parents started cramming in you the installations like ” drawing is not a work” or “dancing is not serious.” Write three things that fascinated you as a child. This is a little help where to look for.

Exercise 2. Look for regularity: 20 favorite activities

Now make a list of 20 of your favorite activities. Even if some of them seem to be banal, let it be to eat delicious food, to receive gifts, to buy essays online for cheap, to watch movies on YouTube – still write them. When the list is ready, look carefully at these exercises. Do you notice any regularities? Perhaps, on your list prevail the cases connected with the helping people? Or some kind of sport? Or business related to quiet monotonous work? It will help you to understand what kind of life you would like to live.

Exercise 3. Your perfect environment

All we know that atmosphere that generates winners is almost always made up of winners. Unfortunately, not always we are able to choose or to change it. But you can imagine that the world changed overnight for your needs. And the next morning it will be filled with such people as you want. What will these people be like? What qualities do they possess? Possibly, they are all creative, or, conversely, are strong-willed business people? Maybe they do everything quickly, or, conversely, would you like to slow down the world? What did you learn about yourself and what do you need to realize yourself?

Exercise 4. Five Lives

Supposably, you will devote one life to biology, the second to professional traveling, the third – to start a big family with a bunch of children, in the fourth become a sculptor, and in the fifth – an astronaut. Which one do you like more?

The most important thing here is to understand the next: if you need to choose just one life, even the one that you like the most, you will still miss the rest. Some people are born for a single purpose, but this is a rare exception. Each of your lives contains something that you love and need. And you can bring this into your real life.

Exercise 5. My perfect day

Take a pen and a sheet of paper and start to write. How would you describe your ideal day? Live this day in the present tense and all details: where do you wake up, which house is it, who is next to you, what do you eat for breakfast, what clothes do you put on, what kind of work are you doing, at home or the office?

Do not limit your imagination. Describe the day that you would have lived if you have absolute freedom, unlimited resources and all the powers and abilities that you only have dreamed of. Concentrate on yourself. Find what you love. And start moving towards your destination.